Hi Other Woman!

Ur stack is inspiring me to write more on relationships in my stack. Thank you, in advance. I have a hard time going back and recalling my love life, now at 70, let alone writing about it. But as someone with no skin in the game anymore (literally), I think I can say something about younger men in relationships with others, as I recall.

So many younger men act in the ways that you describe here, and there; that is all so true, and I can attest. I was a younger man once. Seen it all (believe me, married 4 times and had countless GFs), and done it all (except anything violent or illegal). So let me tell you, all that you describe is true, and I don't think there is anything one can do for a young man exhibiting these behaviors (from the odd to the odious), except for the said man himself to pull out of the spinning dive. Good pilots survive, others don't.

I know that might sound harsh or stupid from an old fuck like me, but I am telling ya what I know about men born between 1920 and 1990. Behavior is better than it was in the 1920s and maybe in the 2020s things will improve, but don't hold ya breath girl!


Jigs in the Jungle

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Wow. It's nice to get such nice feedback especially after having Melissa Alvarez rip me a new one the other day. I also heard yesterday from a therapist--A THERAPIST!!!--who'd been cheated on and divorced who told me my pub on Medium had given her a new perspective. They might be getting back together.

So, I guess I'm not *entirely* full of shit.

I look forward to reading your writings and Merry Christmas!!

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HA Thinking, Yes I get that a lot (ripped), especially from the "experts." But you have supporters out here. Well, keep up the great work and merry back at ya!

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thanks. Merry Christmas!

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